Project name: NEED 2 READ
Project user: Open Media Group
Total value of the project: 418.320,00 HRK
Amount of EU co-financing: 355.572,00 HRK (85%)
Project duration: 11.07.2022. – 11.07.2023.

The project aims to cover the target group of unemployed, including the long-term unemployed. The online workshop “The Power of Reading – read and be powerful”, is aimed at encouraging reading in the said target group with the aim of pointing to the direct and indirect impact of reading on improving the overall quality of life of the individual. The workshop will be hosted by established entrepreneurs and successful people who have achieved remarkable achievements in Croatia through their work, skills and discipline, and through our workshops will show participants benefits of reading, as motor fuel for the path to success. They will present which books would be worth reading for professional and personal development, how to start reading and so on. Workshops are educational and interactive and participants can ask questions to guests and enter the discussion. Everything will be filmed and the most interesting segments will be edited in the form of short video content. With the acquired skills, the participants will become more competitive in the labour market, and the books read will serve as an inspiration and incentive to turn a new page in life both on the professional and personal level. The project is 12 months long and managed by Open Media Group while Centre for Cultural Activities is a partner.
The project is co-financed by EU funds from the European Social Fund and the Ministry of Culture and Media.
Sadržaj objavljivanih materijala isključiva je odgovornost Otvorene medijske grupacije
Izradu internetske stranice sufinancirala je Europska Unija iz Europskog socijalnog fonda
Izvršna direktorica: Anita Juka
Razvoj web-stranice: Creative Objective (design) & OHO Design (WP development)
Copyright © 2021 Otvorena medijska grupacija