Name of the project: Readable Game
Name of the user: Centre for Cultural activities
Partners on the project: Open media group
Total value of the project:
408.800,00 HRK
Amount of EU co-financing:
347.480 HRK (85%)
The project is implemented from 5th of July 2022 until 5th of July 2023.

The Readable Game project brings online interactive game with literary and linguistic content, and workshops that will help develop interest in reading among the population under 25 years of age, and strengthen literal knowledge and skills in the target group. In addition to these activities, a public campaign will be carried out that will contribute to raising awareness of the importance of reading activities in the classic paper form, but also emphasize the synergy of new technologies and make reading easier for children and young people.
As part of the project, 4 online interactive tools will be created, the content of online tools will create interest in the characters and actions of literary works in a fun and intellectually stimulating way, and in order to pass the levels, knowledge that can only be obtained by reading will be required. As the project is carried out online, the availability of reading programs and materials is ensured for people who do not have them available in their place of residence, as well as ensuring an even regional representation of the project. The project is implemented with a partner, the Open Media Group.
The project is co-financed by EU funds from the European Social Fund and the Ministry of Culture and Media.