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Erasmus + KA2 Pal Art project aims to encourage Roma participation as a key to their integration through positive artistic practices.

Project duration:
From September 2020 to August 2022

Contact person:
Martina Belić, martina.belić


The project is implemented since September 2020 in synergy with partners from six different countries and will last for 24 months. Project applicant is Dum narodnonononich mensin d. o. o. (Czech Republic) and the partners are UC Limburg (Belgium), OECON Group Bulgaria (Bulgaria), Architecture Frederic Lebard (France), Lighthouse of the World (Greece) and Open Media Group.


Pal Art is providing capacity building trainings and learning experience to coaches and educators in order to give Roma people skills and opportunities to express and integrate through art. An inclusive approach to art is crucial for their integration process, based on the principle that quality education should be adapted to the student rather than requiring him to fit into the existing system.

The content of the activities reflects a comparison of the transnational strategy of 6 organisations – NGOs, educational institutes and private subjects – from 6 different EU countries – the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Belgium, Greece, France and Croatia – active in Roma and art inclusion.

Open Media Group is an experienced organisation in conducting awareness campaigns for social development and construction of social capital, has expertise in producing short films with the Roma community and presenting them in cultural events for a wide audience.

In the project, O. M. G. is responsible for designing and coordinating dissemination plans and developing campaign content. Open Media Group is responsible for carrying out all dissemination activities, including creating the visual identity of the project, newsletter, updating the project’s social media (e. g. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn), coordination of contacts with participants, etc. Finally, Open Media Group will organise a workshop for empowering up to 20 Roma with the necessary basic knowledge of video production.