The Empowerment of social groups through creativity and cultural works project under Erasmus + “KΑ2 — Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practice” aims to support artists of socially excluded and marginalised groups and promote and present their works of art in post-COVID 19 circumstances and encourage their cooperation within European countries.
Project duration:
March 2021 – February 2023
Contact person:
Martina Belić, martina.belić@omg.hr
The project has been implemented since March 2021 in synergy with partners from eight different countries and will last 24 months. The project applicant is Rompraha (Czech Republic) and the partners are Asociatia Mergi Inainte (Romania), Fondazione Mondinsieme del Comune di Regio Emilia (Italy), Lemongrass Communication SL (Spain), Apostolina Tsaltampasi Kai SIA EE (Greece), Medborgarskolan cultures (Sweden) and Open media group.
There are four main impacts:
- To support artists from marginalized groups in post-COVID time,
- Improving curricula for empowering marginalized groups with the help of creativity and art,
- Examining curricula and training programmes; and
- Digital Open Art study platform.
The main goal of the first impact is to assess the state of culture and community in the post-COVID period and present possible methods and techniques of support to artists of socially excluded and marginalized groups in order to improve their presence in new circumstances.
The aim of the second effect is to elaborate and test a training plan for empowering artists from socially excluded and marginalized groups through their direct involvement in artistic and creative practices. The curriculum will be planned in two main principles: the training of instructors and the training of students.
The third effect is aimed at assessing the produced training materials at local and international level.
The last impact is aimed at creating a platform for artists, teachers and art organisations working with marginalised groups such as refugees and asylum seekers in Europe, Roma and others.
Open media group is particularly responsible, based on its experience, for the implementation of the following project components: takes effect No. 4 (Digital Open Art Platform), organization and coordination of multiplication events, development of dissemination strategy and maintenance of project web site together with project consortium and hosting art studio in Zagreb and final project meeting.